Thursday, November 12, 2009

La Fontaine

"Mon bon Monsieur, apprenez que tout flatteur vit aux depens de celui qui l'ecoute: cette lecon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute."

Les Fables generally talk about the different characters of animals and also a little bit of the nature. Some animals think that they are smarter than others.

Reader's response:
I thought La Fontaine's style of writing is different from the other ones we have read and discussed in class so far. it seems to me that his interest is animals, talking about their characters, the nature and not so much of humans. I felt like I didn't get anything from Fables. It was too dry for me.


Tammy said...

The fables range in subject from animals to plants to people. The whole purpose for these fabulous inventions is to give a little distance between reality and the sting of truth, which at times are implicit and other times spelled out. I think the fun in reading is finding the moral and then seeing its application to the human experience.

Reese Loveless said...

The fables were really interesting to read. There were even some that I have heard before. I really like how a principle is taught through the story. I imagine that some of the fables had more meaning back at the time of La Fontaine, but many still have significance in our day.

Valerie said...

There were a couple fables I couldn't make heads or tails of but generally speaking I found the language charming and the stories ingenious. I understand what they were talking about now when they said that La Fontaine made all the stories his own, even the ones he didn't come up with, with his style.

Trent said...

I have always been drawn to literature in parable format. I did have trouble understanding some of the meanings. Overall, Fontaine's writting is remarkable as well as it's present day application.

Natalia said...

LIke Valerie said there were some fables that I just didn't get at all and the only thing I could do was to keep rereading it until I got something! I think that once you figured out what the moral of the story was it helped the story make a lot more sense. It was almost like working backwards for me.